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Whisper is now available on Barnes & Noble!

I'm thrilled to share that my debut novel, Whisper , which was previously available on Amazon and Kindle, is now officially available as an eBook on Barnes & Noble! If you’ve been waiting for a chance to read it on your Nook or through the Barnes & Noble app, now’s your moment! If you haven’t had the chance to dive into Whisper yet, you can find a short synopsis (and sneak peek!) here . With its availability as an eBook on Barnes & Noble, you can: Enjoy it instantly on your Nook or mobile device. Take it with you wherever you go. Be part of the growing community of readers sharing their thoughts on the story. Where to Find It You can find Whisper on Barnes & Noble and Amazon. Don’t forget to leave a review after you’ve read it—I’d love to hear your thoughts! Amazon: Paperback | Hardcover | Kindle eBook Barnes & Noble: Nook eBook   Cheers,     Ayesha

A Look at Luna

Luna Muriel seems to be the crowd favorite. As one of the main characters in Whisper, she for sure makes a big impact in the Cities of the Lost  both the series and the world. Like Zarina and the other four, it was their field trip to Camp Cryptic that unlocked their new world. 

Our curly-haired, honey-eyed gal seems to be the jewel of the crown whenever I ask someone who their favorite character is, and I have to say, she deserves it.


Luna Muriel is typically one of the first to attempt to strike up a conversation. With talent in charisma and charm, she's usually found talking to someone, which often perturbs main character Zarina Salin. She's always smiling and trying to stay optimistic  however, at the beginning of Whisper, she seemed to be at quite the contrary (shh... no spoilers ðŸ¤«). 

While not completely enraptured by focusing on her looks, she does her best to at least be presentable, making sure her hair is neat and tidy and that she looks civil. As a nervous habit, she's often found curling a strand of hair around a finger absentmindedly. 

She's also a good friend, especially when it comes to comforting others. She can fit into other's perspectives really easily, which allows her to see both sides of the picture, and not just her own. Most lack this style of understanding, which makes her really powerful in the Gifted world, even though not everyone can see it. As a natural empath, she can comprehend things to a level that the average person can't  and not only with other people. 


Luna joined the school where the six main characters of Whisper attend in the middle of their elementary school years. Previously, she went to Ivy Academy, where she already knew Ash Suriza  however, their association was only an acquaintanceship. Her relationships with others at Ivy are currently unknown.

Upon her arrival at Liberty Lake, Luna's new friend group comprised of Ash,  a recent transfer like herself  Trina, and Zarina. In their sixth grade year  and just the beginning of Whisper  the four of them get assigned to Lucyna and Fern as their group of six for their trip to Camp Cryptic. After this, Camp swerves off course, opening off into their living-in-two-worlds problem. 

In the cities of the lost (aka the Gifted World), Luna and the other five meet the Quads: Mya, Hylla, Jasper, and Evan Alana. Luna's also often found talking to Madame Astrid, principal of Dragonendre Academy, in their many encounters. She's also met Iliza Snof and Roy Salin (Zarina's younger brother) numerous times in school and for their venturous doings. 

Luna's family consists of her separated parents and two brothers, one younger and one older. She hasn't been observed talking to her friends about them much.


Luna is an Aquatic  someone who can manipulate and bend water. Her abilities (as have been seen) are being able to move and shape water, even if it means allowing it to float in midair. She typically controls it in either bubbles or cyclones when needed.

She can also create barriers by merely stretching water over a large surface area, which proves beneficial for their many "adventures." When water isn't available near her, she's able to take the moisture in the air and transform it into a liquid state.

That wraps up Luna Muriel  and there's much more about her to know. I do apologize for the late post. Future posts may be a bit rocky for their date of release, but I'll have something ready for next Monday, the February the 14th.

If you have any questions, comments on my posts, or suggestions for future posts, feel free to use my contact form.

Stay tuned!

 Ayesha ðŸ‘‹

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